What is Abortion Pill Reversal?

In the shock of an unexpected pregnancy, an abortion can feel like a relief at first. Yet, many women change their minds about a chemical abortion. So what can women do if they want to continue the pregnancy even after taking the first abortion pill

Even if you’ve taken the first abortion pill, abortion pill reversal may be possible and it may not be too late. Keep reading to learn about abortion pill reversal. 

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Pregnancy Tests: How They Work, Accuracy, and More

You might wonder if home pregnancy tests provide accurate results. Regardless of how you feel about being pregnant, there are a few things you should know about home pregnancy tests. 

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Can You Buy Abortion Pills Over the Counter?

If pregnancy wasn't a part of your plan, you may be looking for a private and easy way to end it. You may be wondering if you can pick up abortion pills over the counter at your local pharmacy.

In today's blog, we'll discuss whether you can get abortion pills over the counter and what you need to know before moving forward. Keep reading to learn more.

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Miscarriage vs Abortion: What’s the Difference?

The first few weeks of pregnancy can be a confusing time. When women begin to experience light spotting and cramping, they might worry about a miscarriage. Even if your pregnancy is unexpected, you’ll want to know the difference between miscarriage and abortion. Keep reading to learn more.


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My Boyfriend Wants Me to Get An Abortion. What Should I Do?

An unplanned pregnancy may shock you and your partner. Even if your boyfriend wants you to get an abortion, you have options. Remember that you make the final decision about your pregnancy. 

Take time to discuss things with your partner. Here are ten tips to get an honest conversation started.

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What are My Abortion Options?

An unplanned pregnancy can feel disorienting. If you’re sorting through your options, you’ll want to begin by addressing a few questions, including how far along you are, types of abortion, and laws in your state. Keep reading to learn about your abortion options!


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4 Reasons Why You Need to Get Tested for STDs and STIs

It’s an unfortunate fact that if you’re sexually active, you’ve likely been exposed to an STD or STI. You may be thinking about getting tested, though it can feel embarrassing. However, you should never feel ashamed for taking charge of your health! 

Today, we’re exploring 4 reasons why you need to get tested for STDs and STIs. Keep reading to learn more! 

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Can You Travel to Another State for an Abortion?

Understanding abortion laws can feel disorienting, especially if you already feel overwhelmed by an unplanned pregnancy. 

Some states have abortion restrictions, and some women choose to travel to other states for an abortion. If you’re considering an abortion, there are six things you should know before traveling!

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Can You Order the Abortion Pill by Mail in North Carolina?

Sorting through all of your abortion options can feel overwhelming. But you aren’t alone! Visit Life Care Pregnancy Center to speak with our qualified and compassionate staff. We provide a confidential space for you to sort through all of your options.

Keep reading to learn more!

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How Does Abortion Affect Mental Health?

Do you feel overwhelmed with your unplanned pregnancy? If you feel scared, anxious, unsure, or numb, your feelings are valid. 

As you think about your options, you’ll want to consider how an abortion could affect your mental well-being now and in the future. So, take a deep breath and keep reading. 

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Abortion Pill Frequently Asked Questions

The shock of an unplanned pregnancy can make you feel unsure about your decision. As you decide, you’ll want to have all the facts about your options and the information about your pregnancy. Keep reading to learn about the abortion pill and what you need to know beforehand!

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Late-Term Abortion: Procedures, Risks, Pain, and More

If you’re farther along in your pregnancy, you may be wondering if abortion is still an option for you. Is it safe when you’re farther along? Is it more painful than early-term abortion? It may feel like you have too many questions and not enough time.

Take a deep breath. Life Care Pregnancy Center is here to help! In this blog, we’re exploring late-term abortion, so you can make an informed and empowered decision! Keep reading to learn more! 

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How Does Abortion Affect Relationships?

An unplanned pregnancy can put a lot of strain on your relationship. You and your partner may disagree on the ideal solution. Perhaps you’ve considered abortion and are wondering how it could affect your relationship.

Abortion is a significant decision that can leave a lasting impact on your relationship with your partner. It’s crucial to get the facts so that you can make the best choice for your future!

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What is the Abortion Pill?

An unplanned pregnancy can rip the rug out from under you. At a time like this, it’s crucial to get all the facts to protect your health!

Today, we’re exploring the abortion pill, so you can make an informed decision for your unplanned pregnancy. Keep reading to learn more!

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Substance Abuse Treatment for Pregnant Women

A new substance abuse treatment program, designed specifically to serve pregnant women, has opened its doors right here in Moore County.

The Tides mission is to keep the mother-child dyad intact by helping these women become healthy so they can heave healthy babies.

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Pregnant and Curious About Adoption?

Are you pregnant and curious about adoption?  How do you know if adoption is the right option for you?

What do you know about adoption?  Did you know that adoption looks much different today than it has in the past?

Take time to consider all of your options, including adoption.  Start here to get the facts.

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A Woman's Right to Know

Your Right To Know.  It’s North Carolina law.

North Carolina law requires that a woman receive certain abortion related information at least 72 hours prior to an abortion (effective 10/1/2015).  This information is part of the N.C. Woman’s Right to Know Act of 2011 that mandates the giving of informed consent prior to an abortion. The Woman’s Right to Know Act requires that women seeking an abortion be fully informed about relevant issues.

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